Thoughts on bagpiping in the San Francisco Bay Area. For more information, contact

Sunday, November 3, 2013

On fighting the good fight

November 2, 2013 saw the passing of a brave young woman, Catherine Young, from this life, losing the battle to the nemesis of cancer. I had the honor and privilege and chance to enjoy a short friendship with her.

In December, 2012, my family and I attended the Stewart Tartan Pipes and Drums Christmas Concert at St. Andrews Episcopal Church in Saratoga, CA. There, we enjoyed the music, bagpipes, drums, Scottish fiddlers, Scottish dancing and singing. Leading the program was an impressive young woman and leader, obviously in charge, with all eyes on her musical direction. Catherine was the Pipe Major for the band. I felt drawn during the concert to approach Catherine afterward at the reception to talk about joining the band as a piper. Approaching her took some time, as many people, friends, family and acquaintances all wanting to speak with her, socialize and congratulate her on the band’s (and her) performance.

Not quite knowing how to open the conversation and feeling a little awkward, I was able to finally have a moment of her attention congratulating her on the band’s performance. Her gracious response put me at immediate ease as she asked key questions as to capabilities, years of playing experience, why I might be interested in playing with the Stewarts, etc. She then gave me an encouraging word to send her an email and she’d have my email added to the band’s New Year’s 1st meeting notice for members. After thanking her, she turned to the next admirer and I was ready to go home and start practicing so I wouldn’t look / sound the total dweeb when I showed up at the band’s first practice.  

Catherine started her piping career with the Piedmont High School Kiltie Band.  She was the Pipe Major for the Piedmont Kilties for two years.  She played briefly with the Black Ravens Pipe Band and more recently was Pipe Sergeant of the Monterey Bay Pipes & Drums. Later she founded and was Musical Director of The Piping Circle, a local group of pipers playing informally for a host of gigs. In 2011 she assumed the role of Pipe Major for the Stewart Tartan Pipes & Drums.  Her enthusiastic leadership guided the Stewart Tartan Pipes and Drums to go from a local parade band, improving our level of music, in order to re-enter the Western United States Pipe Band Association’s pipe band competition arena. With a B.A. in music and the natural leadership, Catherine made us want to improve musically on the pipes and as a band ensemble.  She had a drive to never rest on past accomplishments and instead her focus was one of positively looking.

In those early months of 2013 I was blessed to be able to spend a number of pre-band time slots playing chanter and pipes with and for her, going through passages of the myriad of music to be memorized before joining the band for parades, and eventually competition. Catherine made me feel welcomed in the band, as a piper and friend. Her encouragement was inspiring and I found myself wanting to do the best I could for her and the band. Even as she guided the band in those early months, the illness slowly taking its toll, and the doctors doing their best to reverse the course of the cancer, she would still show up to practices and encourage, extoll and demand more and better from us.

We’ve lost a good friend to cancer. My prayers go out to her family. Catherine’s life and influence goes beyond her passing: to the family she loved, to the music she played, to the leadership she showed, to the love of life she lived, to the courage and bravery she demonstrated during her illness and to the many friends she made wherever she went.

I, among many, will miss her.

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