Thoughts on bagpiping in the San Francisco Bay Area. For more information, contact

Friday, February 13, 2015

On Developing a Piper

Through the years of playing the bagpipes I have watched, participated in and helped friends and competitors through the trials of preparing for a competition. Much of the time we, as pipers, attend band practice, or take a weekly lesson, then practice on our own. ‘Game day’ comes and unless you have been a part of the same games year after year, or have ice water in our blood, it may cause a good deal of stress. Preparing to compete, whether solo or as a band does not happen by accident. And the practice isn’t just in the form of playing the tune a hundred times in the band circle. If you are planning to compete effectively at the next level of play I’ve compiled a To-Do list to help.

First, realize that you have what it takes to play well. Does this mean I don’t have to practice? Absolutely not. But you are going to compete only with yourself even as you stand and march before an adjudicator. You possess personal characteristics, traits and values that have helped you drive musically to perform including discipline, focus, energy, habits, work ethic, goal oriented and commitment to your craft. These traits translate to whatever level of performance you play at.

Encourage positive attitude through positive affirmation, praise and properly discussed critique. Last evening our pipe corp. was working on a hornpipe. Playing together as a pipe corp. has its own challenges but masks a multitude of errors. The big picture could be heard as we played along with a metronome. We played in and out of tempo. The PM gave critique, critical yet positive. We each then played the 1st 8 bars of the tune solo. No one played it completely correct. How the PM can turn the younger players errors into positive encouragement if great to see. We all need affirmation yet we each need to be prodded to perform better. “Well done. You hit all the notes and stayed on tempo for the most part, yet need to work with you grips (grace notes, embellishment, etc.). Work bar three over and over with a metronome and you’ll see progress.” It’s a great trait to encourage in us all whether in leadership or not when helping other players.

Value skill level goals in all members of the band. My D-throw may be ‘lovely’ but my D-grip is ‘crushed’ and needs work. How involved we are in each other’s time at practice in preparing for a competition. Do our bandmates value our contribution to the band? Do the PM and top players take time to work with and encourage each other. I think, for the most part, our skill level and attitude are known among our peers. It is how we handle our attitude toward others in the band that is important.

I encourage the developing piper to have an identity beyond being just a piper. By all means focus on your instrument. The more proper practice the better. All my friends know of my hobby and the love I have for bagpipe music. Yet they also know me as a Dad, a fellow believer in Jesus Christ, a long distance runner, a part time high school teacher, and, as a backpacking and hiking. Each of us has interests beyond piping. Embrace them. They will help you keep a life that is balanced that will allow you to see more than the sheet music in front of you.

In my high school class I try to instill an attitude of going beyond your best. Some might say, “Do your best.” Nonsense. We need to develop to go beyond our “best” by pushing ourselves. If I run only several miles a week and expect a sub four hour marathon, I’m just fooling myself. Physical and mental development must be developed. Playing a tune over and over again doesn’t make me a great player. Pushing myself to master both old and new skills, exercising my arms, lungs, hands, marching etc. until I’m tired, then do it again tomorrow makes me stronger as I see myself progress in stamina, musical skill, etc.

One of my friends in band is a professional dietician. She is certainly aware and thankfully not overbearing when it comes to the diet she sees our fellow bandsmen (OK… me) have. If I ask, she will make suggestions. In preparing for long weekends away at a highland game, we need to prepare ourselves with a healthy diet and, of course, rest. It comes down to respecting our own bodies. What is the best thing for ourselves? Too much junk food or alcohol along with too little sleep could spell disaster in the competition circle. Get you rest and eat well. No one wants to let their team down by not being prepared. Preparation doesn’t just apply to the instrument and music we play, but how we treat our bodies which enables us to carry out our duties in the band or competition.

To get there may also take learning new self-governance / time management skills to fit piping in, as well as have time for friends, family and work. Taking responsibility for all aspects of self-development focusing of goals for practices, getting to lessons, travel to gigs, and taking pride in your uniformed appearance. These are traits of self-governance that when developed in the piper will happily spill over into all areas of life. As I have learned through the years, to say “no” to an upcoming gig that conflicts with another engagement is an OK thing.

Those of us who love the music of the highland bagpipes and drums, and play one or the other, realize that success doesn’t come from just practice alone. But rather enjoying a life, one with other interests, family, friends, and with thoughtful discipline. Piping for competition in a band or as a soloist should augment a life which enjoys the beauty of the world around us, embracing the talents we’ve been given and encourage those around us with affirming appreciation.
Happy piping.

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